:: digging deeper :: nachgehakt ::

Sometimes we forget that politics is about human beings.

Sonntag, November 19, 2006

Thank god it's Sunday

This was an extremely busy week and I had to restrain my addiction to blogging and ME topics to the utmost - nearly unbearable - limit. This sunday morning I had the choice between reducing my lack of sleep or... You guessed it - I got up early and went through some of my favourite blogs.

Uh, and what I learned isn't exactly what a peaceful sunday should promise. I'll start with Jeha's adorable 'Let's call the whole thing off'. One link really stunned me: can anybody tell what's going on in Aoun's mind? He seems to be the same old warlord he used to be and obviously is unwilling to accept elections' outcome. But the rest looks completely insane to me. In German we have the expression 'Wendehals'. Literally translated it is a neck that turns 180 degrees. Some rough sketches:

Aoun when he came back to Lebanon....

Aoun today.

Back to politics - the way Aoun twists the meaning of 'people's voice' reminds me of my country's history - I'm sorry. Churchill and Hitler once had a fight in the newspapers. Hitler told Churchill that he (Churchill) only represents a tiny part of UK, while he, Hitler, represents the voice of the whole nations. Not just that, he said that he is the German Nation. No need to mention that since that day he never asked the German people via elections again. I'm not saying that Aoun is going to be another Hitler. But I do underline the message learned: people like him should not be accepted as candidates in democratic elections.

Again Lebanon, but the question applies for Iraq just as well - Charles Malik comments on an interesting editorial: 'Kiss goodbye to a liberal Middle East'. It fits well into my topic 'The other America' and I sadly cannot reject the conclusion:
(...)it's ironical that Arab liberals should now applaud the onset of a realist American foreign policy toward the Arab world.
A tiny addition from the Palestinian front: US interaction in the conflict was reduced up to zero within the last two years. They've left it up to Europe to engage in the muddle - despite official statements the EU still finances the Palestinians: 329 Million Euro for 2006 is not nothing, huh? Now look at the results - not very encouring. While media still focus on every Palestinian killed by Israel, on every Iraqi killed by alleged Iraqis, it goes unnoticed that Palestinians are at the verge of a civil war. Instead we learn every week that Hamas has finally come up with a government. What government? Well, ask Fatah.

Europe won't deny the threats of a civil war, though. When it comes to keeping down US influence diplomats are more than ready to point out on it. Read the article carefully and think about the underlying concept. Either finance Hamas and Fatah or let all of them starve. Both option won't really prevent a civil war, will they?

So this was my sunday morning, I gotta go back to house-hunting in order to prevent civil war between Mixmax and me ;-)


At 1:24 PM, Blogger MixMax said...

Why the EU rely on playing the same role again and again when it comes to the middle east conflict i.e. financial supporter? Is it that the dominance of the United States regarding the Middle East (which it failed so far in every step, not only Iraq) is that strong?
There were some signs of a stronger Europe when the War on Iraq started in 2003 illustrated by the then German foreign minister and the French stand to oppose the war in the first place, but then, Europe was labled as "old" and the rest of the world swallowed it, and suddenly the story was ended with sudden cut!

I thought you have already found a house and busy with the arranging the papers!! no civil war, not with you ha ha... what we have in iraq, sudan, lebanon, palistine, serilanka...etc are enough :)

At 8:10 AM, Blogger Jeha said...

Aoun is easy to figure out; he is no turn coat, but spiteful. May be well intentioned towards Lebanon, but too self-centerered...

And good intentions make good paving material in some warmer locales.

At 12:52 PM, Blogger travel girl said...

First, thanks for the obviously heartfelt advice on my blog.
Second, I understand only too well what you mean about chosing to blog instead of sleeping. That seems to be my problem as well.
And finally, I thought your comments on Palestine were interesting, especially the comment about cutting off financial aid and starving them. Would it prevent civil war? I doubt it. Will the aid prevent it? I don't have that answer either, but I don't think so.
Good luck with the house hunt!!


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