:: digging deeper :: nachgehakt ::

Sometimes we forget that politics is about human beings.

Montag, November 13, 2006

The Other America -> Anti-Situation-Movement ahead?

It's been all over the news: Nancy Pelosi, the designated "first woman speaker of the House", supports anti-war-movement's darling Jack Murtha as a majority leader.
"Murtha, a former Marine who is respected for his knowledge of defense issues, gained national attention last year when he said U.S. troops should be withdrawn from Iraq."
So is this a sign that Pelosi from San Franciso, where the anti-war-movement is known to be strong, will give in to those demands and is heading towards a withdrawal of US troops in Iraq?

First, Murtha is "widely viewed as an underdog in a two-man race". We will see if she puts in her weight and really wants him to become the majority speaker.

Second, she prepared grounds to escape the anti-war-movement's pressure:

Asked whether her preference is to win the war or just end it, Pelosi said those are not the options.

"This isn't a war to win, its a situation to be solved, and you define winning any way you want, but you must solve the problem," she said.

We're waiting for the anti-situation-movement to answer her challenge.


At 8:13 PM, Blogger MixMax said...

nice U-turn by the new majority speaker to gain more friends than new enemies in the coming period.

The focus now is not on how to President Bush should deal with the democrates, rather than the focus on the outcome of the Baker report, which will come as a joint effort between Republican and Democrates to deal with the situation.
There is already compromises on both sides laying ahead: Bush started with sacrificing his buddy, Ramsfeld. On the other hand, the democrates will enlighten the game a little bit and therfore each will keep their face value.

At 7:38 AM, Blogger Jeha said...

In a sense, it shows that Democrats are more "electable" than they first appear.

Such pragmatism may go a long way to help them win the coming presidential elections.

At 4:32 PM, Blogger :: Katrin said...

What a nice surprise - two of my favorite ME bloggers visiting me just when I wanted to show a friend who you are :-)

He is a German ME correspondent, living in Al Quds and on a lecture journey in Germany. Yesterday we went to a lecture that took place in our area and afterwards saved him from hotel. So this morning the blogging subject came up and we went to my computer.

Of course he is very much into Lebanon, when he read Jeha's version of Armstrong (brillant), he said - without being aware of the blogname: "Jeha hit the nail on the head." Don't know if this expression exists in English... I was broadly smiling and told him the story of Jeha's nail.

Then I had to bring him to fetch his train, he nearly missed it because he was so fascinated by what he learned about what I had learned from Mixmax (-> Ramadi) and other Iraqi bloggers.

He's very busy with German ships in Israeli waters and the Palestinian misery, but one day he wants to feature some of what he saw here today.

I've got to go back to work - house-hunting, so that one day I can accomodate more guests than one, and not only virtually in a blog ;-).

But work is easier tonight, I've just downloaded Louis Armstrong and Lindsey Buckingham.

Take good care, both of you.

At 10:46 AM, Blogger MixMax said...

I knew it! I knew that your absence for the past period was for nothing. I thought you were sinking deeper with the searching for house story :)


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