:: digging deeper :: nachgehakt ::

Sometimes we forget that politics is about human beings.

Dienstag, Oktober 31, 2006

Just Iraqi

Maybe you've heard about the Bahraini blog that is currently blocked by government. I took a quick glance and stumbbled upon this campaign.

Don't know if anyone has already thought about transfering the idea to Iraq. Google didn't give me any results. So I made a quick draw:

Don't know why it's cut off on top. I'll leave it like that until next week - heading for Italy tomorrow. If it might be of any help, I'll have those produced and sent to Iraq. Well, who knows?


At 8:26 PM, Blogger MixMax said...

beautiful, I like it :)

At 8:30 PM, Blogger MixMax said...

forgot to wish you happy trip

At 11:02 PM, Blogger travel girl said...

I think it's great!
Enjoy Italy!

At 7:43 AM, Blogger Jeha said...

They used to say, in french "querelles d'allemands". Let us hope Iraq gets past this phase, just as Germany did.

Otherwise, it will spread to the region...

At 8:02 PM, Blogger :: Katrin said...

querelles d'allemands - it's not that long ago, is it?

Otherwise, it will spread to the region...

Oh Jeha, I wish you were right. I'm afraid, however, it is not an Iraqi virus and it's all over the region already. At the very moment we have three ME countries on the verge of civil war.

When I was a kid I had some troubles due to family problems - parents divorcing, step-mother and -sisters, everything changing and no way to even utter my true feelings without punishment. At that time I experienced that sometimes feelings get very tough and make words slip out of your mouth that you don't want to say. That's when I decided not to think about delicate things in order to protect myself.

So I don't know if I were able even to think something that some of you dare to write under the given circumstances. It's easy to tell you to slap those bastards from distance, but would I dare to do it myself?


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